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Interview with Macrae Heppler: Intergalactic name change and impact on St. George

Intergalactic in the news

I’m back with another update of what’s happening here in Southern Utah! This year I’m implementing a new wrinkle to my videos and will be interviewing the CEOs of some of the big companies here in Southern Utah. They will share what their companies do and WHY they are here. We have some truly incredible companies here and can’t wait to show you what they’re up to.

First up we have Brian McCann, CEO of Intergalactic (name doesn’t get much cooler than that right?!). This aerospace company is completely changing their industry and I still can’t believe they are right in our backyard. They are becoming a force in the aerospace and have big things on the way here in Southern Utah. One of the coolest companies in town and can’t wait to see what they keep doing!